Weight Loss posts

Quite a few of these posts about Weight Loss are accumulating. I sincerely hope you find something either useful or amusing or simply pleasing, on some of these posts.
I'm pretty sure you'll smile a little at the Moose jokes.
Quite a few of these posts about Weight Loss are accumulating. I sincerely hope you find something either useful or amusing or simply pleasing, on some of these posts.
I'm pretty sure you'll smile a little at the Moose jokes.
By Dr. Halls So, you have stuck to your diet and exercise plans for a good few days. You are feeling GOOD. You are relaxing in the evening when suddenly you are overtaken by the most terrible food cravings. Before you know it, you have eaten half a tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and a whole […] By Dr. Halls Healthy Snacks We all know the feeling. You’ve started a new healthy eating plan and have had a good breakfast of low-fat yogurt and fresh fruit. Less than an hour later, you’re stomach is growling and you have wolfed down a couple of donuts or some candy bars. Most of us tend to feel guilty […] By Dr. Halls I haven’t had time to personally do research on weight loss patch reviews. The writer of this dialog has done some researching and folded it into the conversation. I thought I was losing weight, but it turned out my sweatpants had come untied! After 24 hours, you eliminate the weight loss patch and just apply […] By Dr. Halls Firstly let’s clear up a few issues about the Dash ‘diet’. The Dash eating plan was NOT originally designed for weight loss. It is NOT a ‘fad diet’ such as The Atkins Diet or The HCG Diet. The letters D.A.S.H. actually stand for ‘Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension’. It was a team of medical specialists […] By Dr. Halls The Mediterranean is a vast area that consists of many countries and regions from Southern France, Italy, Spain and Greece to Egypt, Tunisia and Syria. For most people, the Mediterranean conjures up images of beautiful beaches, stunning colours, hot sunshine and a laid-back approach to life. When we speak of ‘The Mediterranean-style diet’ we are […] By Dr. Halls Golden Milk Benefits Well, if you haven’t heard of golden milk, where have you been hiding? It seems that the wonders of this tasty treat are limitless! Indeed, praise and claims for golden milk benefits to health are endless, from weight loss to life-changing health benefits. In this post we aim to take a look […] By Dr. Halls As if a speeding heart, a tossing stomach and stinky pits are not bad enough on their own, stress can make you gain weight like … Whoa! Now, do not stress out. Just concentrate on managing any uncertainty and anxiety in your life in the healthiest possible way. Whatever you do, avoiding making these food […] By Dr. Halls Assunção ML1, Ferreira HS, dos Santos AF, Cabral CR Jr, Florêncio TM. (2009) Effects of dietary coconut oil on the biochemical and anthropometric profiles of women presenting abdominal obesity. Lipids. 2009 Jul;44(7):593-601 Epub 2009 May 13. (Retrieved March 20th 2016) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19437058 Dulloo AG, Fathi M, Mensi N, Girardier L. (2009) Twenty-four-hour energy expenditure and urinary […] By Dr. Halls Big Belly? Read On! If you want to find out how to lose belly fat you have come to the right place. What exactly is belly fat? We are not talking about loose skin around the tummy after childbirth or c-section belly fat. We are not talking love handles or muffin tops, (which are often […] By Dr. Halls Many, many people suffer from anxiety symptoms. In fact, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) a staggering 40 million to be exact and that is a whole lot of anxiety! However, the true figure of anxiety sufferers worldwide is not known. Indeed, it is well documented that many people with anxiety disorder […] By Dr. Halls Why try Yoga for Weight Loss? Starting to practice yoga can transform the rest of your life. Many people who have taken up yoga advise that if you practice regularly things begin to shift (for the positive) in other areas of your life off the mat. According to medical research, many trials have been […] By Dr. Halls A common myth about metabolism is that skinny people have higher metabolic rates, whilst those heavier ones amongst us have a ‘slow’ metabolic rate. In turn, this leads to skinny people burning more calories, whilst heavier people burn less and thus gain weight. Indeed, this whole idea has caused disagreement and controversy amongst medical experts […] By Dr. Halls Can you Really Lose Weight in a Month? Absolutely, you only have to look at the popular weight loss TV show, ‘The Biggest Loser’ to see some amazing quick weight loss results. A contestant from season 10, Mark Pinkhasovich, managed to lose a staggering 41 pounds in the first week. Now, let me state here […] By Dr. Halls Right, so you have a future event that you plan to look fabulous for and feel confident. Furthermore, you know that action must be taken NOW in order to achieve your weight-loss goals. Current scientific thought is moving towards making gradual, small steps towards changing eating and lifestyle habits to promote healthy weight loss. The theory is that […] By Dr. Halls Hi Everybody, this post is all about some very special nutritional oils for weight loss. We take a brief look at some of these fantastic fats and their role in weight loss. Special Oils for Weight Loss: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Okay, so this one is pretty well-known and with good reason. Omega-3 fatty acids are […] By Dr. Halls Grocery shopping from your grocery list will guide you to buying the foods you actually need, and will cut down the number of those tempting snacks and such that you have around the house, and you will save a bunch of money while doing so! “There are 600 shopping carts at the grocery store, and […] By Dr. Halls The main important benefits of lemon water weight loss is that it reduces cholesterol and it stimulates the liver and pancreas. This certain type of water has very high levels of citric acid – which is good for the decomposition of body fat. Not to mention, lemon water helps your body to eliminate all excess […] By Dr. Halls Cinnamon keeps you feeling full, and it is a natural digestive. It also benefits by storing less fatty acids, as well as supporting energy levels, concentration and alertness. Cinnamon also enhances gut health. The best choice for a possible cinnamon weight loss program is Ceylon Cinnamon. Because of this, it has the lowest Coumarin levels […] By Dr. Halls Quick weight-loss pills and weight-loss supplements have become increasingly popular over the last decade. Although many of these weight-loss products promise amazing results and claim to be ‘natural‘ products, be very careful about what you are buying and putting into your body. Due to the huge internet marketing of rapid weight loss products and some […] By Dr. Halls You can lose weight in a sauna, but you are not building any muscle whatsoever. You aren’t burning a significantly raised rate of calories and you’re really just only losing water weight. In addition, not replacing the water you are swearing out can actually make it quite a bit harder for your body to lose […] By Dr. Halls Scales are not always a great consideration. They cannot take into explanation so many other aspects like muscle gain and bloating. Other techniques that measure new weight loss are body fat percentage, body mass index, your measurements (keep score), and mainly, the look and feel of your clothing. Try recommending some milestones. For instance; How […] By Dr. Halls It is NOT essential to count calories as long as you keep the carbs very low and stick to protein, fat, and low-carb veggies while you lose weight quickly. However, if you really want to, then Google search a calorie calculator and enter your facts. The main goal is to keep carbs under 20-50 grams […] By Dr. Halls Your body needs time to recover from labor and delivery first, before going on your diet after pregnancy Give yourself 6 weeks before you start watching your calorie intake and trying to slim away the post-baby weight. If you are nursing, experts highly recommend that you wait until your baby is at least 2 months, […] By Dr. Halls All of these simple foods below that you can add to your quick weight loss tips can help you get rid of stubborn, unwanted fat. And keep in mind, that on the plus side, you can eat all kinds of healthy foods in so many different ways! In a wrap, a salad, a kabob, you […] By Dr. Halls It turns out that the main key to losing weight and keeping it off is not simply an element of what you eat or how much you work out throughout your week – it’s your attitude. Rev up your workout playlist, and watch the extra pounds disappear! Follow these simple weight loss motivation tricks and […] By Dr. Halls First, go through this fantastic healthy restaurant guide, check out it’s menu for the lightest possible dishes. Many places also tend to post their calorie counts online, so if you can, check that out before you leave the house. Most importantly, make sure you have the bread basket removed as soon as you sit down. […] By Dr. Halls Before we begin… One of the most successful approaches to a more defined midsection is to combine a high-intensity cardio training with the right daily calorie consumption. You need to eat fewer calories than you burn, so that your body will consume the fat stores in the abdominal area. Lose Belly Fat not Muscle Of course, you […] By Dr. Halls Results: The table shows the correlation between methods Auth UWW DXA BIA Auth 0.657 0.757 0.745 UWW 0.657 0.822 0.834 DXA 0.757 0.822 0.877 BIA 0.745 0.834 0.887 There were 73 subjects with (X±SD) age 42.6±9.9 yrs & BMI=31.7±3.1 kg/m2. Mean group weight loss was 5.4 kg. A correlation matrix […] By Dr. Halls There is the physical you – that identifies physical things in this world. And the spiritual you – the real you that cannot be characterized as fat nor skinny as it has no material density. The more you identify the light of your being, the lighter you will feel. There now is weight loss wisdom. […] By Dr. Halls Lost Weight? Loose Skin? So, you’ve finally done it. You have literally worked your butt off … and your tummy … and those big thighs have gone forever. You should be feeling on top of the world. But, and this is a big BUT, you find yourself left with loose skin. This problem can be […]
How to Avoid Food Cravings
Healthy Snacks for weight loss? Tell us more . . .
Things you should know before sticking it on!
Dash to Health with the Dash Diet
The Medicinal Mediterranean Diet
Golden Milk and Weight Loss
Are you making these Weight Loss Mistakes?
References for Coconut Oil and Weight Loss
How to lose your belly fat FAST
5 of the Most Bizarre Anxiety Symptoms
Yoga for weight loss AND relaxation! Tips and Advice
Boost Your Metabolism for Weight Loss
Natural Weight Loss- 4 easy steps
Lose weight in a week WITHOUT dieting.
9 Special Nutritional Oils for Weight Loss
How to choose proper foods for your pantry!
This is NOT as sour as you may think!
Simply lose weight with this tasty spice!
Quick weight Loss Pills and Supplements: The Truth!
Sweat yourself skinny!? I wonder if this works!
How to stick to your resolutions
Fantastic tips to slim down FAST!
Leftover “baby fat” weight loss tips
Inside information on deliciousness!
Get inspired with these fantastic tips!
Instructions on eating at your favorite place!
How to get rid of Muffin Top
What happens to body composition during dieting?
Insight – Learn to love the real you
How to get rid of Loose Skin in Ten easy Steps