Weight Loss posts

Quite a few of these posts about Weight Loss are accumulating. I sincerely hope you find something either useful or amusing or simply pleasing, on some of these posts.
I'm pretty sure you'll smile a little at the Moose jokes.
Quite a few of these posts about Weight Loss are accumulating. I sincerely hope you find something either useful or amusing or simply pleasing, on some of these posts.
I'm pretty sure you'll smile a little at the Moose jokes.
By Dr. Halls No matter how big or small your goals are the key to success is to set SMART goals. Whether you plan to lose 5 pounds or 50 pounds, walk a mile or run a marathon, planning is essential and this is where smart planning comes into it. What are Smart Goals? Well, the Smart Goals […] By Dr. Halls This page is all about the amazing little weight loss percentage calculator, designed by Dr.Halls and Moose. This handy little tool can help you track your weight loss progress and achieve YOUR weight-loss goals. Find out YOUR weight loss percentage HERE! Simply add your start weight and current weight in pounds into the boxes below. […] By Dr. Halls Some of us love a little spice, some of us love a lot of spice but for all of you chili peppers lovers interesting rumours are starting to emerge, within the medical world, that spicy foods can actually help you lose weight. However, before rushing off to your local curry house for some hot food […] By Dr. Halls The idea of food addiction is an area of medical research that is gaining ground recently in the study of obesity. Indeed, it is a very interesting concept. The premise of food addiction does not tend to include all food groups. Let’s face it not many of us spend a lot of time thinking about […] By Dr. Halls You can develop into being overweight or obese for a matter of reasons, when you eat more calories than you regularly use. Your body needs the caloric energy to function properly, to have energy and to be active. But if you take in more energy than your body uses, you will for surely gain weight. […] By Dr. Halls Inomata N. (2009) Wheat allergy. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009 Jun;9(3):238-43 (Retrieved November 26th 2016) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19318930 Gujral N, Freeman HJ, Thomson AB. (2014) Celiac disease: prevalence, diagnosis, pathogenesis and treatment. World J Gastroenterol. 2012 Nov 14;18(42):6036-59. (Retrieved November 25th 2016) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23155333 Mansueto P, Seidita A, D’Alcamo A, Carroccio A. (2014) Non-celiac gluten sensitivity: literature […] By Dr. Halls Walking weight loss development can be measured by weight or by inches. Taking off inches of fat as you form lean muscle is the best type of progress. You can also see your accomplishment as you walk further and more adequately each week and build a walking habit. To stay on track, you should set […] By Dr. Halls Oh my Goodness! Can you believe that weight-watchers is 53 years old? Established in New York by a housewife, Jean Nidetch, this weight loss plan is now an international slimming group that operates in over 30 countries. Weight watchers, together with Slimming World, Jenny Craig and Medifast, is one of the major weight-loss programs in the world. […] By Dr. Halls Suppose, if somebody told you, you could lose up to 10 lbs a week, whilst still eating hot dogs and ice cream, what would you say? I think that I would ask, ‘where is the catch?’ and would probably be quite right too. However, the military diet has gained a lot of attention over recent […] By Dr. Halls Moose and Doc’s Weight Loss Posts halls.md is a large reference site for all things concerning maintaining a healthy weight. Our general posts on losing weight are starting to really build up and so it is time to make a great index with summary. Don’t forget that all our articles on weight loss are backed […] By Dr. Halls This grouping of articles is on the theme of measuring body fat percentage with those impedance scales, and showing how they were used for some fairly simple but kindof useful conclusions. Men with body fat under 25% were over BMI of 25 but are not fat or overweight. This abstract is not indexed in PubMed […] By Dr. Halls Well, the idea of intermittent fasting is certainly NOT a new one. The 5:2 diet has been around since 2012 when UK television viewers were first introduced to the fast diet phenomenon. If you have been hiding under a rock (paleo style) the 5:2 diet basically involves eating normally for 5 days of the week. […] By Dr. Halls Latest scientific research is beginning to show that making small changes to your lifestyle and diet may be more effective, both in the short and long term, than the ‘all or nothing’ approach to weight loss that has preoccupied so many of us for so long. For this reason, Moose and Doc have developed these […] By Dr. Halls It’s a fantastic time to get your rear in gear and begin accomplishing your weight loss setting goals. Honestly, could there be a more excellent time to go for a run outside? You do not need to bundle up in your Polar Vortex accessories just yet, and you do not necessarily need to carry along […] By Dr. Halls Hello. I’m Dr. Halls, and I am a real person, Steven B Halls, MD, FRCPC, born in 1960. The halls.md website began in 1999, and in 2014 I began modernizing the look and calling it Moose and Doc. This website has its major focus on body mass index, ideal weight, body surface area, breast cancer, […] By Dr. Halls How to Lose Weight Extremely Fast If you, like many of us, would like to give yourself a bit of a boost by kick starting your weight loss and seeing rapid results – without hitting boot camp – then here are a few tips to do just that. Follow these easy rules to lose pounds […] By Dr. Halls Have a cup of Green Tea Green tea weight loss has become all the rage recently but green tea consumption is not a new phenomenon, in fact green tea drinking can be traced back to China over 4,000 years ago. Green tea has been hailed as one of the healthiest drinks on the planet, with […] By Dr. Halls Getting Started In this post we are going to accumulate all the knowledge learnt along the way on the Halls.md site about how to lose weight fast. If you are interested in losing weight and want the most recent scientifically-proven advice, then you have come to the right place. To achieve a healthy weight it […] By Dr. Halls The Paleo Diet, also known as the paleolithic diet, is based around the idea of eating a diet as similar as possible to that of our hunter-gatherer ancestors in the paleolithic era. Therefore, the paleolithic diet involves foods that are nutrient-rich, such as plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, meat, seafood, berries and nuts. […] By Dr. Halls The most basic of Google searches on the topic of weight loss presents us with an overwhelming array of fad diets and guaranteed techniques to lose weight. Thus, it is very easy to get lost in a fog of contradictory and sometimes misleading, information. So, how do we get motivation for weight loss? It is […] By Dr. Halls The 5 Healthiest Habits There has been way too much focus over the past few decades on weight loss diets and body weight and not enough on overall general health. Indeed, our very own website is also guilty of this, hosting a whole bunch of articles on weight loss diets. However, of late, our focus is changing. Having looked […] By Dr. Halls The foods on the four day diet are loaded with healthy nutrients, but very low in calories. Hence, you will get all the fiber, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals you and your body needs. You may also find yourself feeling satisfied on fewer calories. Below you will find a few amazing meal plans for weight loss. […] By Dr. Halls As anybody who has undergone the trials and trauma of surgery for weight loss will tell you. It is not an easy, quick fix to a great body. Neither is surgery for weight loss for those who are too lazy to diet and exercise, as both of these are part of the pre and post-operative plan. […] By Dr. Halls Many people around the world put on half of our annual weight gain between Thanksgiving and New Years. Researchers show that people don’t lose the pounds when the partying ends. If that happens year after year, back to back, well… You can do the math. You’re going to probably have some problems. It is much […] By Dr. Halls Coconut oil Weight Loss There has been a lot of hype recently about coconut oil and its many and varied health benefits. Coconut oil for weight loss, especially fat that is carried around the waist or middle (belly fat) is an area we will be looking at. In this post, we will also be looking […] By Dr. Halls If you search for apple cider vinegar on the internet you will find SO many wild and wonderful claims. Indeed, the health claims I found on a quick ‘Google’ search are that apple cider vinegar can:- Improve Type 2 Diabetes Lower cholesterol Treat eczema and other skin conditions Lower blood pressure Act as a natural […] By Dr. Halls The majority of diets and other weight loss plans work on the basis of reduced calorie intake and increased energy output. Dramatically cutting down on calories, in the initial stages of a reduced calorie diet can lead to impressive weight loss results. However, once this initial fast weight loss has occurred it becomes […] By Dr. Halls Evero N, Hackett LC, Clark RD, Phelan S, Hagobian TA. (2012) Aerobic exercise reduces neuronal responses in food reward brain regions. J Appl Physiol 2012 May;112(9):1612-9.(Retrieved December 8th 2015) Finlayson G, Caudwell P, Gibbons C, Hopkins M, King N (2011)Low Fat Loss Response after Medium-Term Supervised Exercise in Obese Is Associated with Exercise-Induced Increase in […] By Dr. Halls The Atkins diet, like many other fad diets, is not a new concept at all. Dr. Atkins published his first book ‘Dr Atkins’ Diet Revolution; the high calorie way to stay thin forever’ way back in 1972. Since then the Atkins’ diet has had surges and dips in popularity over the years, but is still […] By Dr. Halls Refs for green tea weight loss Benzie I, Szeto Y , Strain J, Tomlinson B. (1999) Consumption of Green Tea Causes Rapid Increase in Plasma Antioxidant Power in Humans Int J Obes (Lond). Nutrition and Cancer: Vol 34; 83-87: (Retrieved September13th 2016) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10453446 Boehm K, Borrelli F, Ernst E, Habacher G, Hung SK, Milazzo S, […]
What are SMART Goals?
THE weight loss percentage calculator
Spicy food Weight Loss? Does it work?
Addicted to Junk Food? Is this possible?
Know your BMI now to find out if your “heavy”
References for Gluten Free Diet
Burn calories exercising outside
Weight Watchers: Everything you need to know
Military Madness! The 3 day Military Diet Plan
Index of Weight Loss Posts
Body Fat, BMI obesity, health and mortality
16 8 Fasting Plan: Eat what you want AND lose weight?
Weight Loss Tips: Five of the Best
Weight loss tips for during the fall!
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4 Tips to lose an intense amount of pounds fast!
Green Tea Weight Loss: Fact or Fiction?
How to Lose Weight Fast
Crazy Cavemen: The Paleo Diet and Weight loss
Weight Loss Motivation by Moose and Doc
Healthy Habits: How to Live Longer and Lose Weight
Shed pounds now with this four day diet!
Surgery for Weight Loss: The Facts
Keep warm & get in shape during the winter!
Coconut Oil Weight Loss: The Facts
Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss: The Truth
Easy ways to FAST weight loss: 6 Top Tips
Refs for weight loss lose
The Atkins Diet Revisited: An up-to-date Review
Refs for green tea weight loss