We have all been there! You see the message on Facebook ‘you have been tagged in a photo‘ you rush to login and see yourself looking fantastic at the party … and there it is! In full glory, for all to see … the big double chin.
Yes, we have all had experience of the ‘bad’ photo on social media, but the profile shot displaying the double chin fat is just the pits.
Firstly, we realise that something, other than wearing turtle necks and scarves, needs to be done. The BIG question is, how do you get rid of a double chin fast?
This post will be looking at some effective and easy ways on how to get rid of a double chin without having to resort to plastic surgery.
The quickest ways for blokes to lose the double chin is to hide it … behind a beard.
Yes, but that’s not going to work for the ladies, is it Hector? How to lose a double chin: Top Tip #1 – Grow a beard!
Oh, I don’t know Jess, I think you could manage.
So rude, Hector.
What Causes a Double Chin?
Before we look at how to get rid of a double chin let’s take a quick glance at the top 5 causes:-
Weight Gain or Obesity: The more fat deposits you have around your body, the more face fatand neck fat that you will have. Weight gain or being overweight and obese can lead to a double chin.
Conversely, dramatic weight loss can leave loose or sag skin that hangs down and causes a double chin appearance. So, always follow a healthy weight loss diet.
Ageing: Unfortunately, age not only brings about the turkey neck but it can cause everything to droop or hang a little bit lower, including the chin.
Genetics: Unfortunately, some of us are just born with a propensity to develop a double chin – blame your mum … or your dad.
Bad posture: Yes, stooping over that laptop or iPhone twenty hours a day is going to do nothing towards a nice, chiselled jawline.
I’ve been feeling quite fat recently and I don’t want to grow a beard.
You’re not fat. Come on, chin up … and the other one … and the other one!
Can we just see what we need to know about how to get rid of a double chin now, Doc?
Step #1: Exercise your chin and neck regularly.
Your abs are not the only part of your body that benefit from exercise. You can strengthen and tone up that neck fat with a few easy exercises.
Yes, the main neck muscle that could really do with a regular workout, and will help you lose that double chin, is called the platysma muscle.
Exercise #1: Firstly, open your mouth really wide. Next, move your jaw downwards as far as possible and then upwards making sure that your lower teeth touch your upper lip. Repeat this exercise as often as possible, or at least several times a day.
Exercise #2: Another example of a double chin exercise workout that you can do is as follows:-
Start by tilting your head back until you are staring right at the ceiling. Next, pucker up your lips as if you are going to kiss somebody. Hold this position for five seconds and then repeat as many times as possible.
Throughout this exercise, keep in mind to relax your other facial muscles.
This work out is not only great for your double chin, but for the muscles of your jaw, neck, and face as well!
As your best friend, I promise to never upload a ‘fat’ picture of you on Facebook. Furthermore, should you have a double chin, I’ll swiftly crop that out as well.
How to get rid of a double chin: Step #2: Chew Gum
Chewing sugar-free gum not only keeps your breath fresh, but it also exercises the muscles in your chin and jaw. This, in turn, serves to tighten the muscles, helping you get rid of that double chin.
Remember though, to ensure that you chew sugarless gum to avoid those extra calories and ward off tooth decay. In addition, avoid gums that have artificial sweeteners, instead, choose those made from natural sweeteners.
The best times to chew gum is just before you eat a meal and just after you finish eating. This can also help with digestion so it is a win-win situation.
Chewing gum and losing chin fat – that’s great.
Yes, but just remember to chew with your mouth closed.
How to get rid of a double chin: Step #3: Lose Weight in General and Exercise
I hate to say it guys, but if your double chin is a result of generally being a little overweight, then losing a few pounds will go a long way towards getting rid of that chin too.
You can follow my easy 8 step plan and lose weight fast. Cut back or cut out refined carbohydrates and sugar for a start. In general, swapping white carbohydrates such as rice, pasta and bread to brown rice or wholemeal, will make a big difference.
In addition, cut down or cut back on all processed food and takeaways. Furthermore, keep an eye on those high-calorie drinks such as sodas and alcoholic cocktails.
Finally, add some physical exercise to your daily routine. If you do not have the money to join a gym, then simply start walking or jogging – just get up and get moving.
Bowling is my favourite type of exercise.
Why is that, Hector?
Well, it’s basically an hour of drinking beer interrupted by six second intervals of exercise … perfect!
Step #4: Hydrate your body
Many medical studies have proven that drinking plenty of water can help with weight loss efforts in general.
However, drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day also helps reduce a double chin and bloated face as well. Making sure that the body stays really well hydrated helps prevent water retention that can result in a puffy face and chin.
Furthermore, signs of thirst are often interpreted by the body as hunger signals which may well ‘trigger’ a craving for ‘high energy’ foods.
In addition, drinking plenty of fresh water will not only give your facial skin a healthy glow but it will appear healthier and firmer too as toxins are flushed out of the body. So, get ready to firm up and glow!
It’s not my fault I have a double chin. When God was giving out chins I thought he said Gin so I said I’ll have a double.
How to get rid of a double chin: Step #5: Correct your Posture
Posture plays an important role in the development of a double chin. Thus, in today’s world of smartphones and laptops, having the head bent over and slightly tilted downwards for extended periods of time is not good for that sculpted jaw effect.
Lack of exercise, poor circulation and oxygenation to the chin and neck tissues and muscles lead to a double chin.
So, make sure that your spine and neck are in alignment and carry yourself in an upright manner even whilst sitting. Be mindful of your position and correct any slouching or bending over immediately.
In addition, you can gently massage the double chin area to improve blood flow and circulation. Cocoa butter, vitamin e oil, wheat germ oil and egg whites are all said to help ditch that double chin.
Did you know that for the injuries and problems caused by bending over a mobile phone or computer screen the medical term is ‘text neck‘.
Yes, you’re right Moose and 50% of people presenting with ‘text neck’ are school age teenagers.
The answer is simple: Stop texting.
Questions and Answers
I have heard that there is a ‘magical’ injection that dissolves the fat in the neck and chin.
Yes, Deoxycholic acid is a prescription drug that works by destroying the fat cells at the site where it is injected into the body. This medicine should be prescribed and administered by a registered health care provider.
Clinical trials have shown that there was a ‘significant reduction’ in submental fat, (double chin) with the treatment of Deoxycholic acid injections.
Furthermore, skin elasticity was not worsened and patients themselves reported marked improvements.
Does drinking green tea help with losing a double chin?
Indeed, some clinical trials have found that green teadoes help you lose weight with others claiming that the effects are very slight.
However, one thing is certain and that is green tea is rich in antioxidants and is far superior to drinking more highly caffeinated drinks.
Furthermore, studies have found that green tea drinkers lost stubborn belly fat compared to control groups.
So there is no reason why a nice cup of green tea may not help you get rid of that double chin.
I hate when I gain 10 pounds for a role and then remember I’m not an actress.
I have tried everything to get rid of my double chin and loose skin. I’m now thinking of surgery. What do you think?
As with all surgery for weight loss, there are some serious risks to take into consideration.
Always contact a reputable, qualified plastic surgeon to discuss any surgical procedures at all.
However, chin liposuction is fairly non-invasive and effective too, if you have tried all other methods to get rid of that excess fat. In addition, there is also laser chin liposuction which is even more effective.
If it is the loose skin or ‘turkey neck’ appearance, usually due to ageing, that bothers you then you may need to think of a neck lift.
This is a surgical procedure, usually performed under a general anesthetic to tighten neck muscles and remove loose skin.
Surgery? Don’t do it. A man in a mask will cut you with a knife and take all your money.