The intensity of this sport provides a wide range of physical Lacrosse health benefits, both internally and externally and also improves your mental health as well. Below you will find out why, and some other Lacrosse health benefits…
One of the primary Lacrosse health benefits is the burning of the calories. Lacrosse uses up energy, forcing the body to burn calories from recently consumed foods for energy. When enough calories are burned, a calorie deficient can form, making the body turn to stored fat for energy.
The fat is then broken down, which results in weight loss. Weight loss and weight maintenance from playing lacrosse helps prevent issues with overweight and obesity, which in turns helps reduce your risks for obesity-related diseases, for example diabetes, heart disease, and even some forms of cancer.
Muscle strength can be gained through many aspects of playing lacrosse, including in training, practice and game play. Warm-up, practices, strength training, and any other physical activity used to prepare yourself for the game increase the resistance on muscles, which in turn creates small areas of damage in the muscle tissue. This damage triggers the activities of satellite cells, which help heal the damage and build stronger muscles. Muscle strength can also be gained while playing the game through running across the field, throwing the lacrosse ball with the lacrosse stick or performing checks on the field.
For further reading… Start your morning off right by visiting the Moose and Doc as well as CDC for several of amazing tips on weight loss!