Sports posts

Quite a few of these posts about Sports are accumulating. I sincerely hope you find something either useful or amusing or simply pleasing, on some of these posts.
I'm pretty sure you'll smile a little at the Moose jokes.
Quite a few of these posts about Sports are accumulating. I sincerely hope you find something either useful or amusing or simply pleasing, on some of these posts.
I'm pretty sure you'll smile a little at the Moose jokes.
By Dr. Halls If you are thinking of bike riding for weight loss then the first place to start is to set some weight loss goals. Research shows that goal-setting hugely increases your chances of success. So, make sure that you set some SMART goals. Let’s have a look at exercising for weight loss; A loss of one […] By Dr. Halls December 2014 update. I have re-arranged this page. The Building my Expedition E350 in the factory, has a lot of pictures. Then, My earliest flights in the Expedition E350. The Dimensions of the Expedition E350 aircraft. A reference. Then, Pictures of older models of Found Aviation aircraft. Some history Some Beautiful simulation pictures of Bush […] By Dr. Halls Expedition E350 POH Takeoff distance calculator Here’s a cool thing I created. I hope you like it. It’s a Takeoff distance calculator for the Expedition E350. Note that its based on data that will supposedly appear in the POH, but since I haven’t actually gotten my plane yet, I haven’t seen its final official […] By Dr. Halls You don’t have to be a professional volleyball player to enjoy this game on the beach. Anyone can play this fun sport which helps to:- build lean muscle boost resting metabolism improve athletic performance tighten every single muscle in your body. Below you will find out the main health benefits, what to wear, and tips […] By Dr. Halls Dimensions of the Expedition E350 plane. I made this post because I’m always forgetting if my airplane will fit into various hangars. Images are from the POH. (Pilots Operating Handbook.) And I moved this into this separate post, which is quite short. All of this re-arranging is happening because of Google. This used to […] By Dr. Halls These are pictures of the fish and corals in my salt water aquarium. First started adding live rock and a few fish in Oct 2008. In mid-January 2009, I started saving pictures so that I could have a record of what they looked like, to allow future comparisons when they grow larger or get sick, […] By Dr. Halls Lacrosse is an active sports team played across a really long, rectangular field. The way the game is played provides a substantial aerobic and strength-building workout, as players run up and down the field to get the lacrosse ball into the goal. Perhaps I could say it is combined between hockey, and soccer. The intensity […] By Dr. Halls This post is about preserving the history of Found aircraft. This information used to be on a long static html page on my website, but I had to move it here, and move the images to a location where Google doesn’t index them, because they are considered ‘duplicate content’, which causes penalties to my webiste. […] By Dr. Halls I originally made this post in 2010 (as a page on, and am updating it in 2014 (and moving it into a wordpress post). It documents the construction of the aircraft that I now own. The reason I’m moving it into a wordpress post, away from a static html page, is because the original […] By Dr. Halls This post is a continuation of the process of moving the information from an older static html page, into this wordpress post. It began on this post of My Expedition E350 aircraft being built in the factory.. Summer 2010 I’m flying solo now, and the plane is at 42 hours. I’ve given lots of rides […] By Dr. Halls These beautiful images of the Bush Hawk XP are actually screencaptures from Microsoft Flight Simulator, featuring the Aerosoft add-on model of the Bush Hawk. Aren’t these stunning! I was worried that they’d get forgotten on the forum where they were originally posted, so I gathered them up here. In 2008 I was looking for ideas […] By Dr. Halls Aquarium supporting Equipment, in my basement. (furnace room). Sink Sump Salt Mix tank Shelf Water-making and storage Reverse Osmosis (RO)water purifier, and Deionizationresin filter. Electric controlled valveson input water supplyto RO Selenoid valve by fishbowl innovations water sprinkler valve from home depot Controller for valvesshown above. controller by fishbowl innovations controller by home depot RO […] By Dr. Halls These are pictures of fish and corals that have died. Achilles Tang Sadly, he died in early March ’09, after eating the dead body of another fish. Lion Goby The Lion goby died unexpectedly in Jan 2009. He was a very fun fish.I tried replacing him with a Sleeper Goby in early March, but that […]
Bicycle riding benefits and weight loss
Expedition aircraft E350.
Performance data of Expedition E350 aircraft
Beach Volleyball: A Great Weight Loss Activity
Dimensions of Expedition E350 aircraft
Fish and Corals and Snails and Crabs
Lacrosse Health Benefits
Older Found aircraft
Building my Expedition E350 aircraft
My earliest flights in the Expedition E350
Bush Hawk XP pictures from FSX
Equipment in the basement for my fish tank
Aquarium fish pictures page of the dead