Exercise posts

Quite a few of these posts about Exercise are accumulating. I sincerely hope you find something either useful or amusing or simply pleasing, on some of these posts.
I'm pretty sure you'll smile a little at the Moose jokes.
Quite a few of these posts about Exercise are accumulating. I sincerely hope you find something either useful or amusing or simply pleasing, on some of these posts.
I'm pretty sure you'll smile a little at the Moose jokes.
By Dr. Halls The bad news is that genetically, we all have different sized faces. If your face is on the roundish side and you have chubby cheeks and the rest of your body is within a normal weight range, there are still a few tricks you can do but unfortunately, you may have to work with what […] By Dr. Halls Running for weight loss is an excellent exercise for toning the lower body and building muscles. Even better, running burns calories at the time and for the rest of the day after your run. So, for example, if you run at a pace of one mile in 10 minutes you will use around 566 […] By Dr. Halls Clearly, treading water actively can zap 11 calories per minute, equally to as a six-mile-per-hour run. Pool exercises for weight loss scorches a ton of calories but feels more like play. Plus, water’s constant resistance pushes you to engage more muscle fibers through a wider range of motion. Achieve as many reps of each exercise […] By Dr. Halls Walking weight loss development can be measured by weight or by inches. Taking off inches of fat as you form lean muscle is the best type of progress. You can also see your accomplishment as you walk further and more adequately each week and build a walking habit. To stay on track, you should set […] By Dr. Halls Scientists have proven that those who tend to fidget while watching TV or even just sitting down even at a restaurant or a movie theater, are great exercise fitness workouts and can burn up to 350 more calories a day. If you’re body is in motion of some sort, it is definitely burning some calories. […] By Dr. Halls Why try Yoga for Weight Loss? Starting to practice yoga can transform the rest of your life. Many people who have taken up yoga advise that if you practice regularly things begin to shift (for the positive) in other areas of your life off the mat. According to medical research, many trials have been […] By Dr. Halls If you’re going to be dancing to lose weight, you’ll have to make the time to dance. Set aside at least 30 minutes a day, four days a week or so. You’ll need to make sure that your heart rate goes up and maintains that accelerated pace for the entire 30 minutes of dance time. […]
How to lose face fat NOW!
Run in the comfort of your own home!
Work out in the swimming pool! Cool!
Burn calories exercising outside
Lose weight while watching TV!
Yoga for weight loss AND relaxation! Tips and Advice
Listen to music and shed pounds!