Body Weight posts

Quite a few of these posts about Body Weight are accumulating. I sincerely hope you find something either useful or amusing or simply pleasing, on some of these posts.
I'm pretty sure you'll smile a little at the Moose jokes.
Quite a few of these posts about Body Weight are accumulating. I sincerely hope you find something either useful or amusing or simply pleasing, on some of these posts.
I'm pretty sure you'll smile a little at the Moose jokes.
By Dr. Halls Check how your Clothes Fit You If your clothes are too tight, they will make your fat and bulges more noticeable. If, conversely, they are too loose, they will make you look even bigger, instead of having you look your best. When you shop for your clothes, it is important that you try them on […] By Dr. Halls Notice on the Men’s Height Weight Chart – that the average weight for men is changing with age. The first thing that you notice on the men’s height and weight chart, besides the colors, are the curves, showing that men are gradually gaining weight until their early 50’s. After that, the average weight for men […] By Dr. Halls Comments regarding this formula for weight for height Body Mass Index is based on height and weight. These authors offer an alternative called "Standard weight", based on sitting height and upper arm length. But at least it’s something completely original. Their formulas are: Male standard weight = -6.4704 – (3.1631*upper arm length) + (204.481*upper arm […] By Dr. Halls These posts on are deep in the mire, so I’ve given them links so they don’t get totally lost. Lacrosse Health benefits – which is about exercise. (noindex) Cinnamon for weight loss – just real nonsense. (noindex) Morning workouts to help lose weight – minor motivation. (noindex) After pregnancy weight loss (noindex) Supposedly immune […] By Dr. Halls Women, as we know come, in all shapes and sizes from the statuesque Amazonian type to short, compact and fierce. Most women like to know how they compare with other ladies of a similar age both for height, weight and Body Mass Index. Above is the height chart for the average adult female of white […] By Dr. Halls Questioning your girl’s height? Has a growth spurt come early, or late? What is the average height for girls? These are common questions. The average height for girls, is shown as the thick line on the chart. More discusson follows afterward. Average Height of Girls Chart Created by Steven B. Halls, MD, FRCPC and John […] By Dr. Halls – Overview – All over the world, there are hundreds of millions of people that struggle with being overweight. For the first time in the history of the world, more people are dying each year from being overfed rather than underfed. There are a variety of different factors that can cause weight gain ranging from […] By Dr. Halls This post is all about weight percentile calculation and BMI percentile I made this page because I occasionally receive emails from parents of small children, wondering why the BMI calculator classifies their child as overweight or obese and yet the Weight Percentile value didn’t seem overweight. Back to the BMI and Weight percentile calculator The […] By Dr. Halls Many people around the world put on half of our annual weight gain between Thanksgiving and New Years. Researchers show that people don’t lose the pounds when the partying ends. If that happens year after year, back to back, well… You can do the math. You’re going to probably have some problems. It is much […] By Dr. Halls Boys Height Growth Chart – average height for boys age 2 – 18 years for children of “White” race/ethnicity*, ages 2 through 18. Created by Steven B. Halls, MD, FRCPC and John Hanson, MSc. What does the Average Height for Boys Chart Mean? The red lines show “percentiles”. The thick red line in the middle […] By Dr. Halls In this post, we look at the average weight for boys. I made this average weight chart for boys in the year 2000. This was a time when doctors were still using pediatric growth charts from the 1970s. So, when my chart was published on my website, it was new and unique and helpful. Sometime […] By Dr. Halls Did you know that the average height for men is 5 foot, 10 inches, or about 1.78 metres. Interestingly the Google search for ‘average height for men’ is more common than those looking for ‘average weight’. furthermore, ‘tall men’ is more searched for than ‘short men’. Average male height for Americans The average American […] By Dr. Halls Children’s Growth Charts of height weight and body mass index for boys and girls. Almost everyone, at some point, goes looking for a growth chart for boys or growth chart for girls or height or weight growth charts. Nowadays, those searches generally bring you to the NIHor CDC websites, or some private websites. But what […] By Dr. Halls Commonly searched: Average male height and average weight for women, weight and health chart, and so on. This post looks at average height and weight charts. The charts in this collection show all sorts of useful information like the average weight for women, the average male height, weight percentile and ranges. Every kind of average […] By Dr. Halls Are you wondering what is the average weight for women? Well, below is an average weight chart for women with height and weight. See how you compare.? Before really using this weight chart to it’s fullest, you could go to the Women’s Height Chart and find your height percentile, then return to this chart and […] By Dr. Halls Many girls, especially in the teenage years, worry about their weight. This statement is based on sound, scientific research, and with the non-stop digital stream promoting images of stick-thin models, it is hardly surprising. In fact, one large UK research study conducted by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) examined 7,000 adolescents aged 13 […] By Dr. Halls Top 10 Tips Weight Gain: Firstly, it does happen and it’s fine, well kind of. So often when we are faced with unwanted weight gain we feel that we must begin to lose weight fast. But what about all the things that you are presently doing that could be exacerbating the issue? As much as I […] By Dr. Halls Weight-based intravenous contrast injection parameters for Enhanced CT Scanning This page is showing a method of giving weight based doses of contrast agent for CT scanning. No-one would argue that weight-based dose is superior to fixed-dose alone. The only question, “is it too much trouble”? by Steven B. Halls, MD, FRCPC. I created this page […] By Dr. Halls Why did CDC growth charts compress the upper weight values? By Steven B. Halls, MD, FRCPC While Dr. SB Halls and J Hansen were re-analysing the NHANES III data on the pediatric height and weight distribution in the American population, a slight difference was discovered between our results and the results plotted in the standard […] By Dr. Halls Body weight management involves a great balance of healthy eating and physical exercise. Developing healthy eating habits when using some tips that will keep you be fuller longer can be very useful tools. Knowing what your body needs most, is very important to body weight management and can control over and under consumptions of foods. […]
How to make yourself look Skinny!
feelin fine chart
Lets all be more original, but not all at once.
Hard to find weight loss information
Average height for women (and weight)
Average Height for Girls
Religion and Obesity
About weight percentile calculation
Keep warm & get in shape during the winter!
The growth chart of average height for boys
Average Weight Chart for Boys
Stand Tall: Average height for men
Let’s find out if, (tall or too fat)
What is hip? tell me
The Average Weight for Women Chart
Girls growth chart and average weight for girls
Gained Weight Recently? Here is what NOT to do.
CT scan Contrast and Body Weight
A long term approach to a healthy lifestyle