To use the body mass index calculator to find your BMI,
- Enter your current weight. (kilograms or pounds)
- Fill in your height (feet and inches or just inches)
- Press ‘Calculate’.
You now have your basic Body Mass Index calculation.
Next, for body comparison,
- Enter Age
- Enter Gender
- Calculate
Furthermore you will see how YOU compare to others in the general population that are the same age and sex as you. So, without further ado, here it is …
▼ Click on the Moose for a surprise.
What does it all mean?
Now you should have both your Body Mass Index and your weight percentile. You can see that you will be given a ‘body description‘ that will fall into one of the following categories:-
You can adjust those definitions according to Dr. Halls’ values or the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For those interested, there is a full discussion by Dr. Halls HERE.
Body Descriptions from the Caclulator
So, let’s take a look at the body descriptions and what they may mean to you. Firstly, it is important to remember that using Dr. Halls. calculations your Body Mass Index will change according to both your age and gender.
If your body description is ‘underweight’ on our BMI calculator then there are a few things to take into consideration.
Obviously, you know yourself if you feel and look healthy (anorexia nervosa excluded).
However, if you have rapid weight loss or are gradually losing weight, without trying, you need to see your general physician to rule out any medical conditions.
There are several medical conditions that can contribute to a low Body Mass Index (generally accepted as being under 18.5). Some examples are:-
- Hyperthyroidism
- Digestive problems such as Crohn’s Disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Cancer
- Depression and Anxiety
One of the main concerns of being underweight is that you may also be suffering from malnutrition. (Likewise you may be overweight or obese and malnourished as well).
If you visit your health advisor you may be referred to a dietitian for healthy eating and exercise advice to avoid health issues in the future.
Within Normal Range
If your BMI falls within normal range then Congratulations. However, don’t break out the champagne just yet there are still a few other factors to consider.
The ‘normal range’ body description highlights some of the shortcomings of using Body Mass Index alone as a gauge for a healthy weight.
Indeed, the composition of your body is also an important health indicator. What does this mean? Well, it is the ratio of muscle to body fat, known as your body fat percentage. There are many calculators online so find out yours HERE.
Similar to the underweight body description only you know best how you feel about your body weight.
Marginally Overweight
So, if you fall into this body description group it is not bad news. Marginally overweight can be seen as a warning to adopt some healthy habits.
Again, if you are a body builder, athlete or have a very muscular build, you may fall into this group. In this case, you are clearly not marginally overweight but simply have a higher body mass index due to your body composition.
However, for those that have put on a few pounds and are not totally happy with their body weight we have a great list of diet reviews and weight loss plans.
Choose which one suits you best and get going in the right direction to avoid future problems.
Why is Waist Circumference Important?
Belly fat is an important indicator of general health. Find out here how to measure your waist circumference.
In general, having a large waist circumference, regardless of your BMI, can result in a higher risk for the following medical conditions:-
- Cardiovascular disease
- Diabetes
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Some Cancers: particularly colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer
So, apart from not looking that attractive your waist circumference is also a good indicator of health risks.
Importantly, your waist circumference measurement has health implications regardless of your BMI. This illustrates nicely how your body mass index could be in normal range but you can still be at higher risk for health problems due to the distribution of body fat.
Overweight and Obese
The categories of overweight and obese are controversial within the medical field. It is important to remember they are simply categories. Obese categories on our calculator begin at above 32.2 for women and above 31.1 for men. is a unique calculator as it takes a BMI around 27.3 for women and around 27.8 for men for the ‘overweight’ threshold.
However, these are all just figures and statistics. If you are overweight or obese it can make a huge difference to your health to lose even a few pounds.
Check out our weight loss articles and diet reviews to help you get back to a healthy lifestyle and a healthy weight.
Health Conditions Associated with Overweight and Obesity
We all know that being overweight or obese increases your chances of developing several health conditions.
So, without further ado, let’s take a look:-
- Hypertension: High blood pressure
- Risk of heart attack and stroke
- Arthritis
- Diabetes
- Respiratory problems
- Gout
- Gallbladder disease and gallstones
- Increased risk of some cancers
The potential health problems are listed above, not to frighten anybody reading who is overweight, but to motivate you to lose weight.
Why Calculate your Body Mass Index?
The body mass index was developed as a screening tool for medical professionals to assess the general weight categories of their patients.
Remember guys, a bmi calculation is useful as a guide to assess your general weight and health. The operative word here is ‘guide’. This is because there are many other factors, as well as height and weight, that indicate a healthy body.
Other Factors that Affect Health
So, other factors that need to be taken into consideration to assess your general well being include:-
- The quality of your diet
- Your level of physical activity
- Your body fat percentage (level of muscle to fat ratio)
- Waist measurement
- Obesity-related health problems.
There is a healthy bmi range for each individual, so if your bmi score does not reflect your body type, then do not take too much notice.
A Last Word on Halls Body Mass Index Calculator
So, there we have it, the now famous, Body Mass Index Calculator and the Weight Percentile calculator by Moose and Doc.
These calculators were first developed by Dr. Halls way back in 1999. Of course there have been many adjustments, according to the very latest research, over the years.
The BMI calculator was way ahead of it’s time because it was the first to take into account your age and your gender. In addition, the weight percentile calculator is a unique feature that allows you to compare yourself with others in the population of the same age and sex.
Way back in 1999, this was the first and only BMI calculator stating that weight increases with age, and stating that BMI thresholds for overweight and obesity were too simplistic. But because this calculator was #1 for many many years, millions of people have used it, and, it has become generally accepted in medicine and in general, that this is now the correct approach. This is Dr. Halls speaking: “I’m proud of everyone, everyone who helped make this knowledge become generally accepted. Thank-you.”
Other Posts of Interest
- Full Index of ALL our Articles on Body Mass Index, Charts and Calculators
- Halls Ideal Weight Calculator
- THE Weight Loss Percentage Calculator
Further Reading
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