The 5 Healthiest Habits There has been way too much focus over the past few decades on weight loss diets and body weight and not enough on overall general health. Indeed, our very own website is also guilty of this, hosting a whole bunch of articles on weight loss diets. However, of late, our focus is changing. Having looked […]
Index of Anxiety Posts
Originally The Talking Moose, our amazing desktop app, was designed to actually help people with weight loss. However, as the real possibilities of quite what the Moose can do have become clearer, there are many areas of life that she may be able to help with. Indeed, the phenomenal rise of anxiety disorders came to my […]
Surgery for Weight Loss: The Facts
As anybody who has undergone the trials and trauma of surgery for weight loss will tell you. It is not an easy, quick fix to a great body. Neither is surgery for weight loss for those who are too lazy to diet and exercise, as both of these are part of the pre and post-operative plan. […]
Index of Diet Posts
Moose and Doc’s Diet Posts As now has a large number of diet posts, we have a comprehensive index below. Please feel free to check out all our diets. Remember that our posts are all backed up by the latest scientific research and studies. So, without further ado, let’s take a look:- The Atkins […]
References for Bipolar Disorder
Brady KT, Sonne SC. (1995) The relationship between substance abuse and bipolar disorder. J Clin Psychiatry. 1995;56 Suppl 3:19-24. (Retrieved November 12th 2016) Connolly KR, Thase ME. (2011) The Clinical Management of Bipolar Disorder: A Review of Evidence-Based Guidelines Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2011; 13(4): PCC.10r01097 (Retrieved November 7th 2016) Craddock N, […]
Coconut Oil Weight Loss: The Facts
Coconut oil Weight Loss There has been a lot of hype recently about coconut oil and its many and varied health benefits. Coconut oil for weight loss, especially fat that is carried around the waist or middle (belly fat) is an area we will be looking at. In this post, we will also be looking […]
Mind and Microbes: Can Probiotics treat Anxiety and Depression?
Any new break throughs for the treatment of anxiety and depression are VERY exciting for the medical world. One of these recent break throughs in medicine is the connection between a healthy, functioning gut and our mental and emotional well being. This post will look at the research surrounding the idea that probiotics and gut […]
References for Anxiety Symptoms
Appleby BS, Rosenberg PB. (2006) Aerophagia as the Initial Presenting Symptom of a Depressed Patient (Retrieved December 13th 2016) Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry. 2006; 8(4): 245–246. Jeff Aronson (2005) Bottled lightning (Retrieved December 13th 2016) BMJ. 2005 Oct 8; 331(7520): 824 Asmundson GJ, Katz J. (2009) Understanding the co-occurrence of anxiety […]
References for Mediterranean Diet
Benetou V, Trichopoulou A, Orfanos P, Naska A, Lagiou P, Boffetta P, Trichopoulos D (2008) Conformity to traditional Mediterranean diet and cancer incidence: the Greek EPIC cohort. Br J Cancer. 2008 Jul 8;99(1):191-5(Retrieved June 16th 2015) Dennis EA, Dengo AL, Comber DL, Flack KD, Savla J (et. al.)(2010) Water Consumption Increases Weight Loss During a […]
References for Anxiety Disorders
Aina Y, Susman JL. (2013) Understanding comorbidity with depression and anxiety disorders. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2006 May;106(5 Suppl 2):S9-14. (Retrieved August 12th 2016) Anderson E, Shivakumar G. (2013) Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Anxiety Front Psychiatry. 2013; 4: 27. (Retrieved August 12th 2016) Bakhtiyari M, Ehrampoush E, Enayati N, Joodi […]
References for Easy Ways to Fast Weight Loss
References Adam-Perrot A, Clifton P, Brouns F. (2007) Low-carbohydrate diets: nutritional and physiological aspects.Obes Rev. 2006 Feb;7(1):49-58 (Retrieved January 18th 2016) Dyson PA, Beatty S, Matthews DR. (2007) A low-carbohydrate diet is more effective in reducing body weight than healthy eating in both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects.Diabet Med. 2007 Dec;24(12):1430-5. Epub (Retrieved January 18th […]
References for How to lose Belly Fat Fast
Boehm K, Sun M, Larcher A, Blanc-Lapierre A, Schiffmann J, Graefen M, Sosa J, Saad F, Parent MÉ, Karakiewicz PI. (2015) Waist circumference, waist-hip ratio, body mass index, and prostate cancer risk: results from the North-American case-control study Prostate Cancer & Environment Study. Urol Oncol. 2015 Nov;33(11):494.e1-7. (Retrieved July 22nd 2016) Després JP. (2007) […]
The Atkins Diet Revisited: An up-to-date Review
The Atkins diet, like many other fad diets, is not a new concept at all. Dr. Atkins published his first book ‘Dr Atkins’ Diet Revolution; the high calorie way to stay thin forever’ way back in 1972. Since then the Atkins’ diet has had surges and dips in popularity over the years, but is still […]
Hashimoto Diet: Foods to avoid and Why
In this article we will look at some of the research behind the principles of the Hashimoto Diet. Hopefully, this post will give you some guidance on which foods to stay well clear of, or eat in moderation, if you have an underactive thyroid. All our information is backed up by the latest medical research […]
Anxiety Attack: Don’t Panic!
The Anxiety Attack: Suddenly it starts, you have an overwhelming sensation of impending doom; your legs feel like jelly; you begin to sweat profusely; it becomes more difficult to catch your breath; your heart is pounding like it will burst right out of your chest and you feel you are about to lose all control. […]
References for HCG Diet
References American College of Bariatric Physicians (2009) POSITION STATEMENT: Use of HCG in the Treatment of Obesity (Retrieved June 30th 2016) Dulloo AG, Girardier L. (1989) Adaptive changes in energy expenditure during refeeding following low-calorie intake: evidence for a specific metabolic component favoring fat storage. Am J Clin Nutr. 1990 Sep;52(3):415-20. (Retrieved June […]
Anxiety Disorder: Worry not! Help is at hand.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 18.1% of the US adult population, that is around 40 million adults, suffer from one of the anxiety disorders. However, the true amount of sufferers, is likely to be much higher than this. It has been estimated that only around one third will receive treatment for […]
Low Carb Diets: Do they Work?
It is hard to mention the word ‘diet’ these days without thinking of the low-carb diet. Indeed, there are quite a few around now. This article examines both weight loss and the risks and benefits of the low carb diet. Here are just a few of the most popular low -carb diets:- The Atkins Diet […]
Body Mass Index Calculator – Moose and Doc
To use the body mass index calculator to find your BMI, Enter your current weight. (kilograms or pounds) Fill in your height (feet and inches or just inches) Press ‘Calculate’. You now have your basic Body Mass Index calculation. Next, for body comparison, Enter Age Enter Gender Calculate Furthermore you will see how YOU compare […]
OCD: Obsesssive Compulsive Disorder
Many of us, most, have heard of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and think that we understand this illness. Simply lining up the cans in the cupboard, repetitively washing your hands or color coordinating your paper clips does not necessarily mean that you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Interestingly, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD affects a whopping 3.3 million people […]
References for the Dash Diet
Champagne CM, Broyles ST, Cash KC, Levy EJ, Lin P, (et al.) (2011) Dietary intakes associated with successful weight loss and maintenance during the Weight Loss Maintenance Trial J Am Diet Assoc. 2011 Dec; 111(12): 1826–1835. (Retrieved July 15th 2016) Dauchet L, Amouyel P, Hercberg S, Dallongeville J.(2006) Fruit and vegetable consumption and risk […]
Dash to Health with the Dash Diet
Firstly let’s clear up a few issues about the Dash ‘diet’. The Dash eating plan was NOT originally designed for weight loss. It is NOT a ‘fad diet’ such as The Atkins Diet or The HCG Diet. The letters D.A.S.H. actually stand for ‘Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension’. It was a team of medical specialists […]
The Medicinal Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean is a vast area that consists of many countries and regions from Southern France, Italy, Spain and Greece to Egypt, Tunisia and Syria. For most people, the Mediterranean conjures up images of beautiful beaches, stunning colours, hot sunshine and a laid-back approach to life. When we speak of ‘The Mediterranean-style diet’ we are […]
Hashimoto’s Diet: What Foods TO Eat and Why?
In this post we will be looking at some of the research on which foods to include and why on the Hashimoto’s diet. Now, in our earlier article, we went into a lot of detail about what foods NOT to eat on the Hashimoto diet. In brief, here are the main six food groups to […]
Golden Milk and Weight Loss
Golden Milk Benefits Well, if you haven’t heard of golden milk, where have you been hiding? It seems that the wonders of this tasty treat are limitless! Indeed, praise and claims for golden milk benefits to health are endless, from weight loss to life-changing health benefits. In this post we aim to take a look […]
Are you making these Weight Loss Mistakes?
As if a speeding heart, a tossing stomach and stinky pits are not bad enough on their own, stress can make you gain weight like … Whoa! Now, do not stress out. Just concentrate on managing any uncertainty and anxiety in your life in the healthiest possible way. Whatever you do, avoiding making these food […]
References for Coconut Oil and Weight Loss
Assunção ML1, Ferreira HS, dos Santos AF, Cabral CR Jr, Florêncio TM. (2009) Effects of dietary coconut oil on the biochemical and anthropometric profiles of women presenting abdominal obesity. Lipids. 2009 Jul;44(7):593-601 Epub 2009 May 13. (Retrieved March 20th 2016) Dulloo AG, Fathi M, Mensi N, Girardier L. (2009) Twenty-four-hour energy expenditure and urinary […]
References for the Atkins Diet
Adam-Perrot A, Clifton P, Brouns F. (2006) Low-carbohydrate diets: nutritional and physiological aspects. Obes Rev. 2006 Feb;7(1):49-58. (Retrieved July 4th 2016) Atkins, RC (1972) Dr. Atkins’ diet revolution; the high calorie way to stay thin forever Publisher: D. McKay Co (1972) (Retrieved July 6th 2016) Bazzano LA, Hu T, Reynolds K, Yao L, Bunol […]
Raw Vegan Diet Weight Loss
Following a raw vegan diet (or raw foodism) is pretty much what it says on the tin. There are many variations of the raw food diet, some include dairy products, fish and even meat. However, one of the most popular versions is the raw vegan diet which is, in effect, a vegan diet but without […]
References for Alkaline diet
Bonjour J-P. (2013) Nutritional disturbance in acid–base balance and osteoporosis: a hypothesis that disregards the essential homeostatic role of the kidney British Journal of Nutrition:Volume 110, Issue 7 October 2013, pp. 1168-1177 (Retrieved December 8th 2016) Cordain L, Eaton SB, Sebastian A, Mann N, Lindeberg S, Watkins BA. (et al). (2005) Origins and evolution […]