For further reading… Know how much weight you can lose healthily. This method also works amazing with those who are overweight!
By Dr. Halls
First, go through this fantastic healthy restaurant guide, check out it’s menu for the lightest possible dishes. Many places also tend to post their calorie counts online, so if you can, check that out before you leave the house. Most importantly, make sure you have the bread basket removed as soon as you sit down. This calorie bomb is a huge downfall. Bad idea. Be sure you are the first to order, so you aren’t influenced by your friends’ ordering choices.
Sure you want to keep losing weight, but you’d rather not give up your visits to your favorite restaurants. Don’t worry, you don’t have to! Weight loss doesn’t mean to have to refuse dining out, you know.
“When you are eating alone in a restaurant and the hostess knows to keep coming to my table to steal chairs for people who actually have friends…”
The most intelligent thing to do is to eat just half of your meal and take the rest home in a box, or ask your partner to split a meal with you. Remember to always ask for sauces and dressings on the side of your plate. And you could stash a banana or an apple in your handbag as well so you will always have a low-cal snack on hand.
“I order meals based on what’ll look best on Instagram”
Need a simple way to cut down on desserts? Pay for your meal and then take a walk. Researchers have found that taking walks can really weaken dessert cravings, especially chocolate!
Water fuels your body’s fat burners. For 90 minutes after you’ve drank 16 ounces of cold water, people seen their metabolisms rise by 24% over their average rates. The increase is partially attributed to the energy your body generates to warm the water during digestion.
“When you ‘wait’ in a restaurant, aren’t you the waiter?”
Slicing your food into pieces or strips may help you eat less. Study participants who compared their equal amounts of slice and whole veggies rated the sliced servings as much as 27% larger. The end result was believing that you are eating a larger portion of food causes you to feel even more satisfied with fewer calories.
Make sure you watch what you eat at restaurants when you are on a weight loss diet. Studies show that people eat an average of 236 calories more on Saturday than on any other given weekday. Yeah, blame it on the break from your usual routine. Approach your weekend like any other day, an opportunity to treat your body as well as it deserves!
For further reading… Know how much weight you can lose healthily. This method also works amazing with those who are overweight!
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