Considering cheap and healthy food are commonly picked and frozen at the height of freshness, since fresh veggies may sit on a truck or in a grocery store, defeating a lot of their nutrients before they even hit your table. Even if you prefer fresh, pick up frozen veggies to use in soups, pastas, stews and casseroles, the savings will assist that you can afford more fresh fruit and veggies later in the month.
If you’ve decided on having them all year-round, purchase extra during the summer time and freeze them for the upcoming winter. During the winter, invest on root veggies that are not only hearty and nutritious, but mainly inexpensive. Also keep in mind that cheap and healthy foods like sweet potatoes, Russet potatoes, and carrots are in season all the time, and hence, mostly cheap. Conveniently enough, they’re all pretty much extremely healthy and filling.
Did you know? … That you don’t have to actually lose weight, you can just make yourself LOOK thinner! Moose and Doc have some fantastic ways on how to do so!