Dimensions of the Expedition E350 plane.
I made this post because I’m always forgetting if my airplane will fit into various hangars. Images are from the POH. (Pilots Operating Handbook.) And I moved this into this separate post, which is quite short. All of this re-arranging is happening because of Google. This used to be on one big page that contained my unique images, and some images of older bushawk and early found aircraft. But Google began penalizing websites that posted ‘duplicate content’ images, so I needed to re-arrange to separate out the old aircraft images from my new stuff.
Also: Distance from below the wing to the ground is 67.5 inches, ( in case you’re hoping to park a small truck under the wing, in your hangar). And if your height is 5’7" like me, you can walk under the wing without ducking. Also: Adding amphibious floats would add 3’7" to the height.
The Dashboard layout, with the Garmin G500 panels.
(note. This information was from 2010. Subsequent aircraft manufactured in the series, had some different avionics).
Let me add a few words about avionics. This panel is very easy to work on, and I’ve needed to. During long flights, some heat builds up behind the dashboard, and I discovered that if I open up the panel, then hot air can dissipate, and my Garmin GPS-radio units keep working well. But if they get too hot, then the LCD displays start to fade out and become hard to read.