If you are considering trying one of those crazy weight loss sticker things, it is extremely important to do more research and know more information about it first! FDA will tell you if it’s actually healthy for you, or not.
By Dr. Halls
Scales are not always a great consideration. They cannot take into explanation so many other aspects like muscle gain and bloating. Other techniques that measure new weight loss are body fat percentage, body mass index, your measurements (keep score), and mainly, the look and feel of your clothing.
Try recommending some milestones. For instance; How do you feel after walking up a flight of stairs? How far can you run in the morning? These can be better signs of your health than using store-bought bathroom scales.
“My New Year’s resolution is to lose just enough weight so that my gut doesn’t jiggle when I brush my teeth.”
It may just about be that time of year again when most of us begin to make new weight loss commitments to ourselves. Each year we vow that this time we will stick to it, and each year we feel depleted when we fail. But this time, rather than arming yourself with an aggressive assignment list of the new-coming year, begin small.
In this post, you will discover new weight loss and learn how to stick to your resolutions, and how to ditch scales, cut down your meal sizes, and so on….
People are meant to be social, and it’s no different when it comes to working out. Studies have shown that exercising with a friend or in a group keeps you going for longer and pushes you to put more effort in. So pick a partner or two for the extra new weight loss motivation to kick-start your fitness.
“Since it’s traditional to break my New Year’s resolutions, I think this year I’ll try for being fat and lazy and see what happens.”
It can be quite difficult to change your diet, so make a new weight loss resolution to change it by degrees. Even the professionals underestimate portion sizes. The easiest trick for making sure you’re not stuffing your face is to use smaller plates, bowls, and cutlery to eat from. It will trick your mind into thinking that less food on it will look like more, and you will feel fuller faster, as well!
You would definitely be surprised by how many empty calories are packed up into those soft drinks, even the diet kinds. Each single can is loaded with about 10 tsp of sugar or artificial sweeteners. Add to that a multitude of other unhealthy chemicals and it’s just not worth the short-lived rush. If you still crave the fizz, try changing it up and try some sparkling water with a fruit in it, like a lemon or a strawberry. Delicious!
“I love my six pack so much that I protect it with a layer of fat.”
Keeping a detailed record of what you’re eating and how much exercise you do in a journal or a diary, is the most important thing you can do to improve your fitness and health, especially while trying to lose weight. Keeping track of your every day doings, and looking back at it once a week, is a great way to stay motivated and continue on your road to new weight loss success.
If you are considering trying one of those crazy weight loss sticker things, it is extremely important to do more research and know more information about it first! FDA will tell you if it’s actually healthy for you, or not.
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