Personal posts

Quite a few of these posts about Personal are accumulating. I sincerely hope you find something either useful or amusing or simply pleasing, on some of these posts.
I'm pretty sure you'll smile a little at the Moose jokes.
Quite a few of these posts about Personal are accumulating. I sincerely hope you find something either useful or amusing or simply pleasing, on some of these posts.
I'm pretty sure you'll smile a little at the Moose jokes.
By Dr. Halls Back in 1999, Steve and Jenny looked like this. FAR BACK to 1986, when the original Moose came out. There was no color or greyscale back then, only black&white pixels and dithering. There was no internet, only modems and bulletin board systems. Dr. Steven B. Halls Curriculum Vitae. If you were looking […] By Dr. Halls Curriculum Vitae ofSteven Bruce Halls, MD, FRCPC Note to visitors. In the first half of my career, I was in an academic environment and used to keep my CV up to date. But in the second half of my career as a community radiologist, I’m neither academic or seeking new jobs, so I don’t keep […]
When I think about the past
About me